What Does the Term “Lean Startup” Mean?

The lean startup method is used to quickly construct digital firms and products, enabling the company or product developer to determine whether or not their business model is viable.

When you adopt the lean startup method, you’ll focus on lean manufacturing a product while simultaneously collecting user feedback, which usually includes releasing an MVP (minimum variable product) to the market or a limited group of customers.

The approach is valued by venture capitalists as a way to prepare a business for investment.

The goal of this strategy is to remove wasteful processes early in a company’s life cycle, giving it a higher chance of long-term success.

The lean startup method, which does not need vast quantities of money, thorough business strategy, or a flawless product, may help early-stage firms flourish.

The emphasis of the lean startup approach on getting customer input on the initial product is critical to its success.

This information will help you make product changes and iterations that will enable the product to grow over time to meet the needs of your customers.

Consumer feedback should also save you money by preventing you from spending resources on services and features that your customers dislike. The lean startup process aims to use as little resources as feasible.

The following are the five lean startup principles:

  • Entrepreneurs Can Be Found Almost Anywhere

You’re a businessman if you’ve started a company, and you can use the lean startup approach. It doesn’t matter whether you work from your bedroom, a dedicated office space, or your garage.

The large investment, not the Venture Capitalist company, had an impact on the lean startup’s operations and output.

It also makes no difference how large or little your business is. If you want to save time and money, and the lean startup method seems to be a good fit for you, go for it.

  • Entrepreneurship is a kind of leadership.

Startups, like any other firm, need management, but it does not have to take the form of conventional management.

This implies processes will be less structured and protocol-driven than they would be in a company with a well-defined business goal.

Managers should be able to react swiftly in high-risk situations, keep investors (Venture Capitalists) under control, and encourage employees to do new things as long as the risks are acceptable.

  • Validated Education

The goal of lean startups is to develop a long-term business model based on learning via validation. This requires conducting the aforementioned experiments, assessing the results, and basing all future choices on the obtained data.

Is your product filling a need in the market? How will you be able to pivot and adjust if you don’t?

  • Accounting for Innovation

Entrepreneurs must objectively assess progress, set goals, prioritise work, and make the best judgments feasible based on the facts in order to build a long-term firm.

Because they employ equity investments, venture capitalists use a distinct strategy to making investment selections.

  • Build, measure, and learn

By using the renowned MVP (minimal viable product) as the basis for the trials, the ‘build, measure, learn’ cycle allows for verified learning. As a consequence, it has become a cornerstone of the lean startup movement. Let’s have a look at how this cycle works.


The first stage in this process is to think like an entrepreneur and come up with a minimum viable product, which is a product or service that has just enough functionality to keep customers happy while you test your concept for market viability.

Keep in mind that an MVP should not be given to all of your clients. Instead, you should concentrate your efforts on a small number of buyers from various demographics who can benefit from your offer.

This is the lean startup process’s building phase. Because constructing is the first phase in this process, you must begin producing a basic product or service as soon as feasible.


It’s vital to properly measure the outcomes of your minimal viable product while you’re still building it when it comes to the measurement part of this approach. You may use the feedback from customers to improve the product and add new features.

You should be able to get rid of the basic product without losing too many resources if you notice that the MVP’s idea isn’t connecting with the customers to whom it was delivered.

You may assess the information you get in a number of ways. You may obtain feedback from customers by sending out surveys and looking at your website’s statistics to determine what’s working and what you can improve if you’re launching a fully online company (without a physical location).

By asking testers questions about the product they’re using, you may collect input on the actual product being assessed before it’s released to the public.

In many situations, venture capitalists bring to the firm substantial management and commercial development knowledge, and they may even play an active role inside the company.

The third component of the lean startup approach is to start learning from your minimum viable product once you’ve gathered data about it.


It’s not enough to measure the outcomes of the items you’ve received and gain feedback from early customers. If you want to produce a market-ready product or service, it’s vital to learn from the data and feedback you’ve received, which isn’t always straightforward.

Some of the feedback you get, for example, may not even be helpful in the agile creation of a successful product. This information, on the other hand, is best used to determine which parts of the product aren’t working and which ones need to be improved.

If you can effectively learn from the results of product testing, you should be able to design a product that meets the needs of your target audience.


However, how does one go about forming a lean startup?

To start establishing a lean company, entrepreneurs may take the following three steps:

1. Find 2. Execute 3. Validate


“The major issue of our day isn’t whether it can be constructed, but whether it should be built.” This positions us at an unprecedented historical moment: the quality of our collective imaginations will determine our future prosperity.”

Consider if the problem your product will solve is important enough for purchasers to want to buy it when determining which business idea to pursue utilising the Lean Startup Methodology. Finding a business idea might be challenging, therefore it’s important to pay attention to the problems people experience on a regular basis. Customers must be actively seeking for a solution to the problem in order for your product to gain traction.

It’s time to… after you’ve decided on a company concept.


“Let this basic guideline serve while you explore constructing your own minimal viable product: eliminate any feature, procedure, or effort that does not directly contribute to the learning you desire.”

After that, you’ll create your MVP. The MVP (Minimum Viable Product)  is a version of the product you want to develop that allows your team to quickly gather as much information as possible about your prospective consumers and their input on the product.

Lean Startup Methodology can be using a “Kickstarter Approach” with your product, which entails selling it before it is done being produced in order to raise funding for your Lean Startup while simultaneously building brand recognition and driving interest in it.

It’s time to… after your company concept has been implemented.


“Startups exist for more than simply making things, making money, or even serving consumers. They exist so that you may learn how to develop a long-term company. This knowledge may be empirically tested by conducting numerous experiments that enable entrepreneurs to put each part of their vision to the test.”

You must first verify your product in order to start a successful Lean Startup. In this phase, you’ll put your company’s idea to the test in the real world. To evaluate whether your concept is practical and collect data that you can analyse, test your MVP with actual clients in the marketplace – early adopters or not. Use this information to determine if you should keep building your product, change it, or pivot your company approach.

Continue to build using your original strategy while incorporating feedback from testers if the results from testing your MVP in the marketplace are mostly positive.

If the results of your MVP market testing are both positive and negative, make changes to your product and/or business strategy to better meet the wants and needs of your customers.

If your MVP’s market testing findings are primarily unfavourable, it’s time to rethink your product and/or company plan. This will need a significant change in your approach and the adaptation of your vision to match the demands and expectations of your clients. In some cases, mostly negative feedback may indicate that a Lean Startup should withdraw from the market entirely.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the majority of businesses fail in their early phases. So, if you want to be one of the few who succeed, you need follow the Lean Startup Methodology. You’ll save a lot of time and money if you figure out what your prospective customers want before you start full production.

Building a lean startup is an excellent option for entrepreneurs looking to establish a firm on the cheap and rapidly bring their product to market. Producing a lean startup, in essence, reduces product development cycles and assures that entrepreneurs are building solutions that match consumer demands via experimentation and verified learning.